Andrej Ujházy, hob.scn.orz.ixa.blnd (2019), 25 + 5AP
Today, we’re excited to introduce a launch partnership with Infinite Objects, a company making video prints, “a new way to live with art that moves. ”
We selected three artists with long histories with Rhizome—Sara Ludy, Sebastian Schmieg, and Andrej Ujházy—and invited them to create limited edition IOs. Ludy describes Gravities as “a figure in slow motion, reaches for the skies. ” Ujházy’s hob.scn.orz.ixa.blnd is a characteristically rich digital painting. Schmieg we invited to rethink his iconic work All JQuery Effects (2012), also included in Rhizome’s ArtBase.
Sara Ludy, Gravities (2019), 25 + 5AP
These three works are exclusively available at the New Museum Store, which is IO’s brick-and-mortar launch store. Other editions curated by Transfer Gallery and DAATA Editions can be found there and at Proceeds from Rhizome’s launch IO editions will be directed to the artists.
Sebastian Schmeig, All JQuery Effects (2012/2019), 25 + 5AP
This post is presented in partnership with Infinite Objects.