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Rhizome Today

 Hong Kong college student strike on 23 September 2014
This is Rhizome Today for Thursday, October 2, 2014
Rhizome Today is an experiment in ephemeral blogging: a series of posts that are written hastily in response to current events, and taken offline within a day or so. The latest post can always be found at http://www.rhizome.org/today
#UnbrellaRevolution #hkclassboycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaMovement
How does one relate to a nascent political movement from the other side of the world? We're trying to watch and read. 
We're watching Nero Chan's drone photography from the protests in Hong Kong. Across social media and mainstream news sources, video like this is emerging as the definitive 'image' of political events characterized by a physical scale which makes a barricade of an island. Also, the live feed; between this, Ferguson, Occupy, and on, it's remarkable how much the 'protest live feed' has emerged as a desktop staple whether at work or home.
We're reading this hetereogeneous reader contextualizing and reacting to the ongoing protests, compiled by Badlands Unlimited, the online/offline artist book publishers; it's a "mix of history, political theory, poetry, and art, these are the books and zines we recommend you read as this political revolt in China unfolds." Of course, we're following the latest updates, as well. 
What we're working on over here
Announcing our Fall/Winter program, and the commissions that will take us through 2015. Commissions by Body by Body, BFFA3AE, Tyler Coburn, Lance Wakeling, and Bunny Rogers. Online projects from Amalia Ulman and Harry Burke. And more. 

An index of topics and people discussed on Rhizome Today last month can be found here.

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