Rhizome invited a few of our collaborators to submit a few of their favorite links of 2014. These are published as part of Rhizome Today, a series of "ephemeral" blog posts. This post will be taken offline on January 1, 2015.
Hannah Quinlan Anderson and Rosie Hastings, Becoming Natural (still image from video), (2014).
Harry Burke
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXr-2hwTk58 Aaron Swartz already seems as if from a different age, but this is an inspiring reminder of how local conviction can sometimes equate with mass consensus. It’s like a rom com for internet activism – corny and basic but real – and is available free on utube ;)
- #BlackPoetsSpeakOut– This hashtag is an intense and emotional parallel to #BlackLivesMatter, but it’s also amazing because of some of the formal-technological revolutions it’s brought to poetry. A range of expression has been streamlined under one tag, which has been then disseminated through Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Facebook and elsewhere, often using the immediacy and ‘liveness’ of video and other visual imagery. The Tumblr is great and this essay by Morgan Parker is a good introduction. I imagine a lot of white poets are learning black poets' names.
- Tbh I just wanna retweet Ann Hirsch by amplifying Sophia Katz's story "we don’t have to do anything." Interesting that both "Tullygate" and #BlackPoetsSpeakOut were initiated, at least in part, within Facebook groups, ALT LIT GOSSIP and Cave Canem.
- @GAYBAR– I can’t find much online but shoutout to Hannah Quinlan Anderson and Rosie Hastings + everyone else for making the best alternative space (and most effective tequila cocktails) in south London 2014.
Harry Burke is a writer based in London. In February, he will curate the online exhibition "Poetry as Practice" for Rhizome and the New Museum as part of the First Look series.
Alessandro Bava:
This year's vine-able "Catcher in the Rye":
Essential read to prepare to 2015's Cold War ... brrr, geopolitics feels like standing above the clouds:
Incredibly inspiring architecture blog of the year:
A beaut design by #harryburke
everyone should also b aware of this to b able to handle 2015? http://wikileaks.org/tisa-financial/
Alessandro Bava is an architect based in London. In 2014, he co-wrote a textb on Airbnb interior photography for Rhizome, as part of Airbnb pavilion.