Rhizome invited a few of our collaborators to submit a few of their favorite links of 2014. These are published as part of Rhizome Today, a series of "ephemeral" blog posts.This post will be taken offline on January 5, 2015.
Self-Portrait as Jeanna d'Arc
There were so many good things on the web this year, but the links I will remember most from 2014 were mostly somehow about sex and death.
- Jasper Spicero's Centers in Pain, an exquisite, melancholic proposal for the continuation of cinema by other means (as Cinematexas once put it). http://centersinpain.org
- Bunny Rogers' poetry read by Gaz and Joan of Arc in a rendering of Columbine High school. meryn.ru/portfolia/columbine-library/
- Anna Anthropy's queers in love at the end of the world, which is actually from last year.
- Lena NW's dating sim. My phone keeps auto correcting this to "lena nw dating site," which is funny. http://www.universehacktress.com/fuckeverything/realgame.html
- The Mavericks invitational live, which you can't seem to watch any more. It was terrifying.
And so many Ferguson livestreams. I ended up getting really into this one livestreamer, he was very calm and reliable, and at some point I got excited about the idea of getting in touch and collaborating or something. So I did some googling, and found his website, where he posed with what seemed to be a pretty staggering personal arsenal of guns. Strange times.