Artist Profile: Cecile B. Evans
Cecile B. Evans, You May Keep One of Your Children (2011) Many of your works reference and seem to be derived from popular culture icons, from Paula Abdul and Meryl Streep to Jean-Luc Goddard and J.D....
View ArticleI, IV by A.E. Benenson
Ian Cheng, from This Papaya Tastes Perfect, 2011 I. Here are the Germans in Arizona and New Mexico. Their skin turning the coral-red of the veined rocks, of the local jewelry, as if the color had...
View ArticleImproving Prometheus
John Powers, artist, blogger at Star Wars Modern, as well as Rhizome contributor, might now add "script doctor" to his bio. Yesterday, he unveiled his recent project — a rewrite of the script for...
View ArticleGuide to Future-Present Archetypes Part 3: The Cyborg-Historical
Superflux headset to enable prosthetic vision. The Future-Present is something that once one has begun to notice it, it becomes very difficult to not see. This visual pattern of our conception of the...
View ArticleLove Letters
The following essay first appeared on the website for The Eternal Internet Brotherhood, a gathering of artists, writers, curators and others interested in internet culture on the greek island of Anafi...
View ArticleJulian Oliver's Tele-Cartography
This year, Abandon Normal Devices, a festival of "new cinema, digital culture, and art," commissioned artist and Critical Engineer Julian Oliver to create Border Bumping, a self-professed work of...
View ArticleThe Unconscious Performance of Identity: A Review of Johannes P. Osterhoff’s...
As part of this year’s Transmediale festival in Berlin, media artist Johannes P. Osterhoff organized an online collaborative performance of search engine queries, simply titled, “Google.” For one...
View ArticleKitchen Table Coders Presents: Learn to Code From an Artist Workshop
Kitchen Table Coders Panel Discussion from Rhizome on Vimeo. Last Friday, Rhizome hosted a panel discussion on code literacy in the arts including Amit Pitaru of Kitchen Table Coders; Vanessa Hurst of...
View ArticleThe Web That Can't Wait
Moyra Davey, from the exhibition Spleen. Indolence. Torpor. Ill-humour, (Murray Guy) One of my earliest memories is getting hit in the face by a book. I was two; we had just moved to Dubai, and were...
View ArticleThe Eternal Internet Brotherhood
Recently, Angelo Plessas assembled artists, writers, and curators working with technology in an event called The Eternal Internet Brotherhood. I asked him the following questions over email about...
View ArticleProsthetic Knowledge Picks: Other Worlds
Scene from 'Trip' A collection of items from the Prosthetic Knowledge Tumblr archive and around the web, around the theme of 'Other Worlds', a collection of independent / student games that veer away...
View ArticleDemiurge in the Cupboard by Bradley Benedetti
Bradley Benedetti, Demiurge in the Cupboard, Circusology of Native Leadership Piece 1, 2012 Orca Tears Turquoise( Wish'd We'd Ha'd) "How can I retry when I was a watermarked birth? I was a global...
View ArticleJonas Lund's Paintshop
Psyche River by Jonas Lund Since the launch of Jonas Lund's Paintshop project at the end of June, three paintings have been sold and over 2,000 have been completed. The Paintshop allows users to...
View ArticleThank You to Our Sponsors
We would like to take a brief moment to thank this month’s sponsors. These are the organizations and companies that keep us publishing, so be sure to check them out! Featured Advertisers Brooklyn...
View ArticleRhizome Digest: Best of Rhizome August
The Universal Texture Essays The Web That Can't Wait Love Letters Interface Aesthetics: An Introduction The Universal Texture When Machines Speak Guide to Future-Present Archetypes Part 3: The...
View ArticleRhizome in Brighton, Liverpool
Joanne McNeil, the editor of Rhizome, will be in the UK over the next two weeks, speaking at these upcoming events: Improving Reality, organized by the Lighthouse Foundation, part of Brighton Digital...
View ArticleAn Interview with Superlative TV
As part of England’s nationwide switchover from analog to digital tele-broadcasting, London’s official analog signal went down on April 18, 2012. While dumpsters citywide filled with old TV sets, a...
View ArticleThe Download: Kristin Lucas
Screenshot of The Sole Ripper in Google SketchUp, courtesy of the artist This month The Download features Kristin Lucas's digital book The Sole Ripper (2012). The Sole Ripper is a digital book...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Julian Oliver
Transparency Grendade (pre-assembly), 2012 by Julian Oliver You've been participating in the tech and art community for over a decade now. You're work spans everything from establishing an artistic...
View ArticleA Tribute to John Cage on his Centennial
In tribute to John Cage on his 100th birthday, we've gathered a collection of archival footage, interviews, and collected works – presented in reverse chronological order, beginning with Cage's final...
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