Google Glass, The Corporate Gaze and Mine
Molly Crabapple via InstagramWhen you buy Google Glass, you are not a consumer. You are an Explorer.Everything about Glass affirms your specialness. The Swedish modern showroom, where a hot guy tweaks...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Jacolby Satterwhite
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have developed a significant body of work engaged (in its process, or in the issues it raises) with technology. See the full list of Artist...
View ArticleFeb. 1: Computers on Law & Order
Screen capture from Law & Order, Season 6, Episode 9.In 2011, artist Jeffrey Thompson was granted a Rhizome commission to watch 456 episodes of the American crime drama Law & Order in order to...
View ArticleYou are Like A Sexy Sphinx: Lindsay Lawson on loving spam
The Smiling Rock, via eBay.The Rhizome backend, and others like it across the web, act as sanctuaries of a sort for a dying language: the halting, intermittently sensical, koanic lingua franca of the...
View ArticleVirtual Bodies and Empty Signifiers: On Fred Parke and Miley Cyrus
Still frame from Fred Parke, Faces, University of Utah, 1974.On June 19 of this past year Miley Cyrus released a video for "We Can't Stop," the lead single for her fourth studio alum Bangers (2013)....
View ArticleInstagram: Beyond
Since the release of the iPhone 5s in fall 2013, we’ve noticed the proliferation of advanced video effects on Instagram. Power-users are employing the baked-in slo-mo feature on the new phone's...
View ArticleContinuous Partial Listening: Holly Herndon in Conversation
After completing her informal education in Berlin's underground club scene, artist and musician Holly Herndon relocated to the Bay Area to pursue an MFA at Mills College's esteemed music program. Now...
View ArticleIkarie XB-1 and the Socialist Sci-Fi Space Ship
Still frame from Ikarie XB-1 (1963).In his 1964 philosophical opus Summa Technologiae (the first English translation of which was published by The University of Minnesota Press last year), Polish...
View ArticleFeb 22: This is the ENDD, a Forum on the E-Cigarette
This is the ENDD logo by Nick Bastis NJOYs. Blus. Smokefrees. V2s. All manner of customized vaporizers. This is the moment of the e-cigarette, or more precisely, the Electronic Nicotine Delivery Device...
View ArticleFrom the Cooper Barricade to a Gallery Van: Aaron Graham in conversation
Untitled, Image, 2013ILouis Doulas: It might actually be interesting to start with your mother. I didn't know she was an artist until you mentioned it the other night. She makes collage work similar to...
View ArticleDragan Espenschied to Lead Rhizome's Digital Conservation Program
After an international search, leading digital preservation specialist, artist, and musician Dragan Espenschied has been appointed to lead Rhizome's growing and award-winning Digital Conservation...
View ArticleLand Art of the Anthropocene
Trevor Paglen, Chemical and Biological Weapons Proving Ground; Dugway, UT; Distance ~ 42 miles; 10:51 A.M. (2006). From the series Limit-Telephotography.every room has an accessible history every place...
View ArticleWhy You Should Not Buy This Painting (So That Michael Connor Can)
Austin Lee, Profile Picture (2013). 11" x 14" Acrylic on canvas.Postmasters Gallery is now showing a solo exhibition of work by Austin Lee, a young painter whose work you should really not purchase. If...
View ArticleDiscover More Time To Do What You Love
TaskRabbits and ArtTaskRabbit provides one-night stands of day labor. Through a familiar internet formula (connecting consumer and service), the platform lets workers underbid their peers to claim...
View ArticleYou Know We're Living in the Computer Age? Computer History According to Law...
Artist Jeff Thompson received a Rhizome commission in 2012 for his project Computers on Law & Order, for which he watched every episode ofthe long-running television series and took screenshots of...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Morehshin Allahyari
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have developed a significant body of work engaged (in its process, or in the issues it raises) with technology. See the full list of Artist...
View ArticleLingering Patience
Jon Rafman, A Man Digging (2013), Single channel HD videoJon Rafman uses the intricate tableaux of Rockstar Games' Max Payne 3 as cinematic source material for his new machinima work, A Man Digging...
View ArticleI'll Send an OS to the World: "Her" as Critical Design for the Electronic...
A few years ago, I interviewed for a position at a so-called "innovation consultancy." At the time, they were collaborating with a mobile phone operator to understand what was driving growth in the...
View ArticleThe Possibilities and Pitfalls of the Video Game Exhibition
MINECRAFT (2011). Installation view, "Indie Essentials: 25 Must-Play Video Games" co-presented by Museum of the Moving Image and IndieCade. Photo: Ben Helmer.I woke up early on an overcast and windy...
View ArticleOn Affectionate Sabotage and Exemplary Suffering: An Audio Guide to Isa Genzken
The artist in her studio, 1982. Image courtesy the artist and Galerie Buchholz, Cologne/Berlin.Upon visiting Isa Genzken: Retrospective at New York's Museum of Modern Art, Rhizome's Community Manager...
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