Artist Profile: Olivia Erlanger
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies. Olivia Erlanger x Ned Siegel x NanoCorp,...
View ArticleMapping Landscape Paintings: Joe Hamilton's 'Indirect Flights' on the front page
Joe Hamilton's Indirect Flights is on the front page of through Sunday, as part of the ongoing online digital painting exhibition "Brushes," presented by Rhizome and the New Museum as part...
View ArticleOrganic Hardware at Fantastic Arcade
Paloma Dawkins and Cale Bradbury, Alea (customized arcade cabinet and moss controllers at Fantastic Arcade, 2015)This past week, Fantastic Arcade, an independently curated video games arcade featuring...
View ArticleOctober 22 at the New Museum and Livestreamed: Blockchain Horizons
PWR, #1 (trustless), 0x9ab9f7a4b85412bfbe2f4f63b1c98808851c4f32, Tongersestraat 42a, Maastricht, NL, 9/10 2015. Photograph of Bitcoin mining rig. Courtesy of the artists.Blockchain HorizonsThursday,...
View ArticleSara Ludy's abstractions probe the psychic charge of Photoshop
Sara Ludy, Acid Cloud (2015, digital video) embedded on Ludy's video works will be on the front page of all week as part of the ongoing online digital painting exhibition...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Lou Cantor
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies.Lou Cantor, "The Labor of Watching"...
View Article9 billion paintings by Michael Manning
A recombinant series of digital paintings by artist Michael Manning will be on the front page of all week as the final work in the ongoing online exhibition "Brushes," presented by Rhizome...
View ArticleAlways-Already a Ghost: Laura Brothers featured on Net Art Hell
Laura Brothers, come and be real for us (Dec 25, 2007). Detail area of 803 x 840 digital image.Artist Laura Brothers, whose work was included in the online exhibition "Brushes" (co-presented by Rhizome...
View ArticleEITHER WE INSPIRE OR WE EXPIRE: New work by Liam Gillick and Nate Silver
EITHER WE INSPIRE OR WE EXPIRE (2015) by artist Liam Gillick and data journalist Nate Silver considers technological failure and its lack of visibility in a society obsessed with success.Created as...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Christine Sun Kim
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies.Christine Sun Kim, Game of Skill 2.0...
View ArticleWelcome to Our Home Page
Today marks the debut of the new and Rhizome brand, both of which place particular emphasis on the expressive potential of the web, and will usher us into our 20th anniversary year. This...
View ArticleMaking the Speculative Case for Music on the Blockchain
Conceived by Lars Holdhus and commissioned by Rhizome, Futures Along the Blockchain is a web project gathering artists, musicians, and writers to annotate a case study which explores the history of...
View ArticleBon Voyage, Killer Robot
Discussions about the dangers of autonomous robots oftentimes invoke the Terminator, the iconic menace from the 1984 film, as their symbolic forebear. Reports on the dangers of autonomous cars,...
View ArticleThe Download: sorry to dump on you like
To go beyond browsing, downloading must be considered.Downloading is essential to almost any kind of engagement with the www, whether code is sent into a browser window or files are delivered to a...
View ArticleAnnouncing the Winner of the $10,000 Prix Net Art: Constant Dullaart
2015 Prix Net Art Winner Constant Dullaart. Photo by Ethan Hayes-Chute.Rhizome and Shanghai-based Chronus Art Center and Beijing-based Tsinghua University Art and Science Media Lab (TASML) are proud to...
View ArticleThe Block is the Successor to the Book: A publishing proposal
"We need a way of consistently and accurately naming every piece of human knowledge, in such a way that their name arises out of the knowledge itself, out of its textual, visual, or aural...
View ArticleOn the front page: Shelley Jackson's feminist hypertext autobiography
On Rhizome's front page this week is Shelley Jackson's my body - a Wunderkammer (1997), a semi-autobiographical hypertext narrative that combines text and image in an exploration of a personal bodily...
View ArticleCyberspace, the old-fashioned way
Today's web browsers want to be invisible, merging with the visual environment of the desktop in an effort to convince users to treat "the cloud" as just an extension of their hard drive. In the 1990s,...
View ArticleReview: The Wrong Biennale
Criticism is a feedback loop. Artists have long considered the internet as a context in which to exhibit their work, and in the past few years, an increasing number of organizations and platforms have...
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