Hot New World Views
Everything is so profoundly transactional. You deserve worse, and you are literally worth less. But consider this: give fewer fucks about stuff that people with high power jobs in institutions impose...
View ArticleThe Birth of the Meme Candidate
If the 1960 presidential election crowned John F. Kennedy as the “TV candidate,” then the 2016 race has seen the birth of a new archetype: the “meme candidate.”Due to his finely tuned performance in...
View ArticleFolding the Web
This text was originally commissioned by ICP and Printed Web and published in Printed Web 4. It appears in a slightly edited form below.The yarn is neither metaphorical nor literal, but quite simply...
View Article#SurfTheSummer: The Rhizome T-Shirt
It's summer in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere, where Rhizome is based, and we're getting ready to take our laptops to the beach. What will we be wearing? Well, the Rhizome "bad logo"...
View ArticleMiao Ying: Chinternet Plus
“Miao Ying: Chinternet Plus” is copresented by Rhizome and the New Museum as part of First Look: New Art Online. It is now on view on the front page of“Internet Plus” is a strategy that...
View ArticleSimulations of a Solitary Hallucination
Matt Mullican stands in front of a large screen on which pinpricks of light are visible against a black background. Gradually, one glowing pixel looms larger in our field of vision until it becomes a...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Elizabeth Mputu
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies.Manuel Arturo Abreu: You created one of...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Travess Smalley
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies.Paul Soulellis: I’ve seen you use...
View ArticleBinge Watching 3GTV
Alex Taylor's 3GTV is on the front page of through Monday, February 8.In a modern-day world dominated by iPhones and Androids, images of Paris Hilton flaunting a pink RAZR flip phone have...
View ArticleTalking art and tech in Bay Area living rooms
Despite its informal name, the living room has historically been something of a formal social space, used for entertaining and the ostentatious display of prized possessions. In her 2010 New York Times...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Lisa Radon
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies.Eleanor Ford: The lines between poetry...
View ArticleNow Accepting Submissions for the Net Art Microgrant
screenshot from Rafia Santana's RAFiA'S WORLD, a previous microgrant project recipient Submit your brief proposal by August 11, 2016. This year, Rhizome will award net art microgrants ranging from $500...
View ArticleTowards an Art History for Videogames
“Imagine if we could begin our little life all over again. Imagine if it was all nothing more than some electronic game. Imagine if I knew then what I know now.” —Deus Ex Machina, Automata, 1984If...
View ArticleRhizome is Hiring
Rhizome is hiring for two positions within the organization: a full-time (part-time negotiable) Software Curator for Systems and Environments and a part-time Assistant Curator, Net Art. Software...
View ArticleRhizome Releases First Public Version of Webrecorder
Rhizome is pleased to announce the first full release of Webrecorder, the free online tool that allows users to create their own high-fidelity archives of the dynamic web. All internet users are now...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Rafia Santana
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies.Gaby Cepeda: RAFiA’S WORLD is one of your...
View ArticleSlime Intelligence
Many Heads, No BrainPhysarum polycephalum is a single-celled organism invisible to the naked eye. However, in its ideal conditions—dark, wet, and bacterial—it multiplies into a visible bright yellow...
View ArticleRhizome's 2016 Net Art Microgrants
This year, Rhizome received over 320 proposals for its annual net art microgrant program. The submissions were considered by a jury comprised of artists R. Luke DuBois and shawné michaelain holloway,...
View ArticleReview: A Mystical Staircase
When I open the link to "A Mystical Staircase" I already have countless tabs open in several browser windows. Each tab has been assigned a logo, letters or symbols and pictograms that reference the...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Anna Zett
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies. Alongside this profile, DINOSAUR.GIF is...
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