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Saturday, May 30, 12-6pm EST
Live-stream at
Live-stream viewing session at Houston Street Center, 273 Bowery (Information and reservations:
As part of the 2015 IDEAS CITY Festival, Rhizome and the New Museum invited AIRBNB Pavilion to organize a day-long salon addressing Airbnb and contemporary domesticity in New York.
For his 1971 tape Chinatown Voyeur, the artist Gordon Matta-Clark recorded images of domestic spaces from the street, using the nascent medium of video. The spaces were partly hidden, shadowy and grainy, and lived in. Today, Airbnb has given the domestic sphere a new, public role in the city's economic and political life, making it newly visible: immaculate, unpopulated, and overlit. With this new visibility, the practice of interior decoration takes on a new urgency. As arguments rage about Airbnb's impact on city life, we invited Airbnb to consider the questions: How might interior decoration intervene productively Airbnb's ongoing transformation of this city? And, to what end?
The salon will include the following topics and participants:
12:00 - 2:00 pm: WHAT DO YOU HATE? — The Dos and Donts of Interior Design
Rafael de Cárdenas, Ricky Clifton, Patrick Parrish, and Paloma Powers
Moderated by Felix Burrichter
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Hood by Airbnb —Housing in NYC
Murray Cox (Inside Airbnb), Chris Glazek (Genius), Benjamen Walker (Theory of Everything), Deanna Havas (artist), and Peer Illner (philosopher).
4:00 - 6:00 pm: Hostpitality
Cyril Duval (artist and designer), Olivia Erlanger (artist & Airbnb user), Hayley Aviva Silverman (artist & Airbnb user), Karen Gregory (sociologist, City College of New York), and Evan Saarinen (Google Maps).
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Left: Gordon Matta-Clark, Chinatown Voyeur (1971), Right: image of the venue for "Stay With Me."
"Indeed, the luxury of the bedroom derives from its freedom: a structure protected from all norms, all powers; as a structure--an exorbitant paradox: it's unique."
-Roland Barthes
About AIRBNB Pavilion
The AIRBNB Pavilion is an art collective based in London whose work focuses on the relationship between interiors, domesticity, internet, and the city. It was founded by Fabrizio Ballabio, Alessandro Bava, Luis Ortega Govela and Octave Perrault for an exhibition during the opening days of the 14th Architecture Biennale in Venice.
IDEAS CITY explores the future of cities with culture as a driving force. Founded by the New Museum in 2011, it is a major collaborative initiative between hundreds of arts, education, and civic organizations. A biennial IDEAS CITY Festival takes place every other May in New York City. The theme of this year's IDEAS CITY Festival is The Invisible City, an homage to Italo Calvino's literary masterpiece of 1972. This theme is rooted in civic action, with each of the Festival's platforms serving as an invitation to explore questions of transparency and surveillance, citizenship and representation, expression and suppression, participation and dissent, and the enduring quest for visibility in the city.
Rhizome's public programs are made possible, in part, through the support of the Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, and the New York State Council on the Arts.