Stay With Me: AIRBNB Pavilion at IDEAS CITY
Saturday, May 30, 12-6pm EST Live-stream at Live-stream viewing session at Houston Street Center, 273 Bowery (Information and reservations: part of the 2015 IDEAS CITY...
View ArticleCaitlyn Jenner and the Facebook Real Name Policy
Protesters in Menlo Park yesterday. (Photo by Gareth Gooch).Yesterday, Caitlyn Jenner introduced herself to an eager public via a magazine cover, a Twitter account, and a Facebook page. The Twitter...
View ArticleStudy of Waves: an interview with SCRAAATCH
Still from digital re-performance of SCRAAATCH No. 8 (2015)We have been following the work of Philadelphia-based artists SCRAAATCH aka E. Jane and chukwumaa (E+c) since crossing paths at an event at...
View ArticleIT IS, I, ANN HIRSCH: horny lil feminist
Ann Hirsch, ButterFace from "horny lil feminist," 201415 (still). Video, sound, color; 2:21 min. Courtesy the artist. Copresented by Rhizome and the New Museum as part of First Look: New Art Online....
View ArticleOnline Now: The Art of Dissent, a film by Laura Poitras for Seven on Seven
Ai Weiwei and Jacob Appelbaum as seen in Laura Poitras's The Art of DissentThe Art of Dissent, a new film by Laura Poitras commissioned by Rhizome at the New Museum, is released online today as part of...
View ArticleHas the Internet Changed Art Criticism? On Service Criticism and A Possible...
Mel Bochner, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH (2008)A version of this essay was initially written for a panel discussion with Pitchfork's Ryan Schreiber, Isaac Fitzgerald from Buzzfeed Books, and LA Times art critic...
View ArticlePaul Built a Commodore: A hardware-based restoration of the 'first art...
The original Mike Builds a Shelter (1983) for "GOVERNMENT APPROVED HOME FALLOUT SHELTER AND SNACK BAR" at Castelli Graphics"Hardware-based restoration—that's nasty business."Unsurprisingly, this is not...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Julia Weist
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies. Julia Weist, Reach (2015) at 107-37...
View ArticleImportant forthcoming changes to user functions and the ArtBase
Dear users:We’re writing today to update you on the future of user functions on as we prepare to launch a new site this year. Our current site is almost five years old, so we’re...
View Article2015 Net Art Microgrants: Now accepting proposals
Lena NW & Julia Kunberger, Viral (2015), a 2014 Internet Art Microgrant recipientNow accepting proposals. Deadline: July 23, 2015.The browser is still our favorite place to see art, so these five...
View ArticleContra-Internet GIFs
Contra-Internet Totality Study #2: Internet, a .gif triptych (2015).These three gifs by Zach Blas are currently showing at IMA Brisbane as part of "Imaginary Accord" (through July 11). They form a part...
View ArticleAfter Sunset
Still from Sunset(2015) by Tale of TalesIt is very rare for a video game to feel urgent. It is even more rare when that sense of urgency becomes a reflection on video game distribution. Sunset, by Tale...
View ArticleThe Visual Archive of Devotion and Taboo
Makkah 3D Puzzle produced by Wrebbit (1995)In 1995, a puzzle company produced a 1038 piece architectural model of the Al-Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, the expansive complex that contains the Kaaba. Upon...
View ArticleHow to See Infrastructure: A Guide for Seven Billion Primates
Allan Sekula, Gas Terminal, Barcelona (2008) from the series "Methane for all."When an American crew picked up the first of these ships from the Daewoo dockyard, completed the sea trials, and began the...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Miao Ying
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies.Miao Ying, flowers all fallen, Birds far...
View ArticleWhy is Deep Dream turning the world into a doggy monster hellscape?
Raphaël Bastide, Handmade Deep Dream (2015). If this were a real Deep Dream image these would be dogs probably.Participants in social media will by now be well aware of the artistic renaissance that...
View ArticleSome news from Rhizome HQ
A bittersweet announcement: after serving for three years as Executive Director of Rhizome, Heather Corcoran will step down from her position at the end of September to join her partner in the UK.From...
View ArticleNow Accepting Nominations: The Second Prix Net Art
Chronus Art Center, Rhizome, and TASML are pleased to announce the second edition of the Prix Net Art, a $10,000 prize for net art. The prize will recognize the future promise of an artist making...
View ArticleI made $500 working from home thanks to Rhizome's Microgrants! (and lost it...
Rhizome is accepting proposals for its $500 microgrants until July 23. Here, one of last year's awardees shares her experience.You can tell that my hired hacker is good at computers by his effective...
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