'Bodies are packages made to be opened': Shu Lea Cheang's 'I.K.U.' (2000)
Net art nomad and cyberfeminist Shu Lea Cheang's sci-fi porn film I.K.U. premiered at Sundance Film Festival in 2000. When the film later screened, Cheang conceived a follow-up project for Lars von...
View ArticleA black market for people "consumed by the internet"
Interview responses translated from Japanese by Love Kindstrand."Welcome to [...] the Internet's next wave," Sue Halpern wrote in 2014, "the Internet of Things"—a harbinger of our gradual transition...
View ArticleAnnouncing the 2015 Net Art Microgrants
In June, we launched our 2015 Net Art Microgrants program with an open call for entries. 262 projects were proposed, representing the diversity of net art practices today. All proposals were considered...
View ArticleBorn-Digital Art Institutions: TEDxMet
this is happening / cc @LangeAlexandrapic.twitter.com/FHA8xJhVvf — Paul Soulellis (@soulellis) August 23, 2015With New York's Whitney Museum of American Art officially decamped to Lower Manhattan, the...
View ArticleStudy of Waves: an interview with SCRAAATCH
Still from digital re-performance of SCRAAATCH No. 8 (2015)We have been following the work of Philadelphia-based artists SCRAAATCH aka E. Jane and chukwumaa (E+c) since crossing paths at an event at...
View ArticleNew digital paintings by Petra Cortright
For her contribution to the ongoing online exhibition "Brushes," presented by Rhizome and the New Museum as part of the First Look series, artist Petra Cortright presents two versions of a Photoshop...
View ArticleJacob Ciocci at Interstate Projects
Jacob Ciocci, Jacob's Year, 9/11, Unbox Perfect Sleep (2015)Jacob Ciocci's new exhibition at Interstate Projects could easily be mistaken for a study of banality and irony. However, as one begins to...
View ArticleFlatness: an interview with Shama Khanna
Robert M. Ochshorn, Chewing Time (2013)What were the initial intentions of the Flatness project, and how would you say those first iterations have reshaped your ongoing research, as well as future...
View ArticleBetween 'Total War' and History Painting: Andrej Ujhazy for 'Brushes'
For his contribution to the ongoing online exhibition "Brushes," presented by Rhizome and the New Museum as part of the First Look series, artist Andrej Ujhazy presents a large-scale (70MB, 15120x7560...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Shawné Michaelain Holloway
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies.Shawné Michaelain Holloway, snow white...
View ArticlePaul Built a Commodore: A hardware-based restoration of the 'first art...
The original Mike Builds a Shelter (1983) for "GOVERNMENT APPROVED HOME FALLOUT SHELTER AND SNACK BAR" at Castelli Graphics"Hardware-based restoration—that's nasty business."Unsurprisingly, this is not...
View ArticleIt Doesn't Just Work: DullTech on Kickstarter and Shenzhen
Earlier this month, the artist and DullTech CEO Constant Dullaart launched a Kickstarter to crowd-source the company's first product. The DullTech media player is a product that promises to simplify...
View ArticleAnnouncing: Zachary Kaplan Appointed Rhizome's Executive Director
Photo: Sheiva Rezvani Rhizome is pleased to announce that Zachary Kaplan, formerly our Assistant Director, has been appointed the organization's new Executive Director. Zach has spent the last two...
View ArticleJacob Ciocci Paints Outside of the Box
For his contribution to the ongoing online digital painting exhibition "Brushes," presented by Rhizome and the New Museum as part of the First Look series, artist Jacob Ciocci presents a series of gifs...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Julia Weist
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies. Julia Weist, Reach (2015) at 107-37...
View ArticleArtist Profile: Olivia Erlanger
The latest in a series of interviews with artists who have a significant body of work that makes use of or responds to network culture and digital technologies. Olivia Erlanger x Ned Siegel x NanoCorp,...
View ArticleMapping Landscape Paintings: Joe Hamilton's 'Indirect Flights' on the front page
Joe Hamilton's Indirect Flights is on the front page of rhizome.org through Sunday, as part of the ongoing online digital painting exhibition "Brushes," presented by Rhizome and the New Museum as part...
View ArticleOrganic Hardware at Fantastic Arcade
Paloma Dawkins and Cale Bradbury, Alea (customized arcade cabinet and moss controllers at Fantastic Arcade, 2015)This past week, Fantastic Arcade, an independently curated video games arcade featuring...
View ArticleOctober 22 at the New Museum and Livestreamed: Blockchain Horizons
PWR, #1 (trustless), 0x9ab9f7a4b85412bfbe2f4f63b1c98808851c4f32, Tongersestraat 42a, Maastricht, NL, 9/10 2015. Photograph of Bitcoin mining rig. Courtesy of the artists.Blockchain HorizonsThursday,...
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